Get Kirk Franklin's Hit Album "Hello Fear" (2011) Free Name : Hello Fear
Artist/Singer/Band Name : Kirk Franklin
Released On : 22th March, 2011
Genre : Urban contemporary gospel
Label : Verity Records
Producer : Franklin, Harris, Lewis, Tackett

Track / Song List :
1. "Hello Fear"
2. "The Story of Fear"
3. "Before I Die"
4. "I Am"
5. "But the Blood"
6. "Everyone Hurts"
7. "I Smile"
8. "Give Me"
9. "Never Alone Interlude"
10. "The Altar"
11. "Something About the Name Jesus Pt-2"
12. "Today"
13. "The Moment-1"
14. "The Moment-2"
15. "A God Like You"
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